Active Business Group Weekly Itinerary


Primary objective – A membership-based business meeting to discuss internal affairs, such as group marketing, group events or any other group based matter.

7.30am - Chairman's Welcome
7.40am - 1 Minute Member Introduction
8.00am - Business Matters To Be Discussed
8.30am - Referrals / Guest Information
8.40am - AOB
8.45am - Chairman Closes Meeting


Primary objective – For a member to give a more in depth presentation on their business, to give the membership and guests a deeper understanding and hopefully facilitate more referals.

7.30am - Chairman's Welcome
7.35am - 1 Minute Member / Guest Introduction
7.55am - Members' Speech
8.10am - Questions?
8.20am - Referrals / Guest Information
8.30am - AOB
8.40am - Chairman Closes Meeting


Primary objective – For a member to give a presentation on a new idea or opportunity that they are considering for their business which is then opened for consideration by the group.

7.30am - Chairman's Welcome
7.35am - 1 Minute Member / Guest Introduction
7.55am - Members' Speech
8.10am - Opened To Group For Discussions
8.30am - Referrals / Guest Information
8.40am - AOB
8.45am - Chairman Closes Meeting


Primary objective – Inviting a guest speaker to impart interesting, relevant and hopefully beneficial information to the membership and their guests.

7.30am - Chairman's Welcome & Officer Introduction
7.40am - 30 Second Member / Guest Introduction
7.50am - Guest speaker
8.10am - Questions?
8.20am - Referrals / Guest Information
8.30am - AOB
8.40am - Chairman Closes Meeting


Primary objective – To get multiple guests to sample our meeting and facilitate new networking opportunities and gain potential new members.

7.30am - Chairman's Welcome & Officer Introduction
7.40am - ABG Group & Membership Information For Guests
7.45am - 1 Minute Member Introduction
8.10am - Guest Introductions
8.20am - Referrals / Guest Information
8.35am - AOB
8.40am - Chairman Closes Meeting


Primary objective – Inviting guests with a guest speaker to impart interesting, relevant and hopefully beneficial information to the membership and guests.

7.30am - Chairman's Welcome & Officer Introduction
7.35am - ABG Group & Membership Info For Guests - Membership Secretary
7.40am - 30 Second Member / Guest Introduction
7.50am - Guest speaker
8.10am - Questions?
8.20am - Referrals / Future Guest Information
8.30am - Any Other Business (AOB)
8.40am - Chairman Closes Meeting