Too often, networking is undervalued by businesses…standing in a room full of strangers, making forced small talk, thinking of all the productive tasks you could be doing instead.
If you don’t come away with at least one sale in the bag, it’s just a waste of time, isn’t it?
Definitely not! And that’s certainly not what ABG is about. Yes, we want to buy from each other and provide services to each other but we also focus on supporting each other too.
Businesses go through ups and downs, have queries, questions and worries and every Tuesday morning, we have the opportunity to share them with other members to see if they can help!
There are so many benefits to networking that can have a really positive impact on your business – and if you happen to gain some new business too – great!
Business can be a lonely place, especially in the early days or if you’re a sole trader with remote, freelance or no staff.
You might think that having your nose to the grindstone from 9-5 (and beyond!) is the best way to grow your business, but we’re all human beings and we need interaction.
Too few breaks lead to burnout. A networking event can be a great opportunity to meet people just like you and share experiences, talk business or just have fun socialising – (yes, you are allowed to enjoy yourself!)
Also, chatting to others and finding out that like you, they have occasional doubts and dips in confidence can be very reassuring.
We can all get a bit stuck in our ways at times. Meeting other business owners – even if they’re in a completely different industry to you – can be a great way of getting new ideas that help you refresh how you run your company.
We’re a friendly group at ABG. If you’ve not yet attended one of our meetings, do come along and find out what we’re about – and come and say hello, I’m always happy to meet new members!
We meet every Tuesday, from 7:30am at The Cave, Boughton, near Faversham.
Book your visit today – have a breakfast on us and enjoy meeting some fantastic East Kent businesses.